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Ice Cream Personality: What Your Choice Says About You

Cup or cone, sundae or plain — what your choice says about you

Are you practical? Ambitious? Eccentric? How you order your ice cream may say a lot about you.

Forget Myers-Briggs. How we eat our ice cream may be a personality indicator.

Maybe you are a hard-line cone person, or a no-exceptions cup person. Or maybe you can't eat ice cream unless it's in a milkshake or a sundae. Whatever your delivery method, a recent study from Baskin-Robbins claims it aligns with certain personality traits. The company teamed with Juliet A. Boghossian, a behavioral food expert, and found these traits.

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If you prefer a cone, you are an optimist and a positive thinker. But that's not all — the type of cone you choose says even more. People who favor sugar cones are “considered the life of the party and are funny, edgy and performers,” while those who prefer waffle cones “tend to be the host of the party, more traditional and nurturing caregivers.”

If you choose a cup, you’re a realist. Cup users are generally “analytical types who are rational thinkers.” They “are responsible, dutiful, family oriented and hardworking.”

If you like your ice cream in sandwich form, you’re an eccentric. People who love ice cream sandwiches “tend to have both strong introvert and extrovert tendencies, and they are known to be artistic, impulsive and idealistic.”

If you need toppings on a sundae, you’re ambitious. People who prefer the full sundae are “open, passionate, motivated ... and loyalists who take calculated risks.”

If you just want to eat ice cream out of the carton, you’re practical. People who don’t like to fuss about an additional delivery method tend to be “resourceful, dependent, pragmatic, an introvert — and are often strong leaders."

If you like eating your ice cream with a straw, you’re a free spirit. People who eat ice cream in milkshake form “are young at heart, fearless, athletic and more likely to take impulsive risks.”