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The Cohousing Movement and Its Position as an Option for Older Adults

Cohousing is a residential alternative for people wanting opportunities for strong social connections while aging in a community. A typical cohousing community clusters private homes around collectively owned and managed spaces, like a communal kitchen and outdoor areas. This publication provides an overview of cohousing including its development and adoption in the US, current trends and the benefits and considerations for choosing this housing option. Case Study: Day Star, an intergenerational cohousing community in Tallahassee, Florida

This Spotlight is part of the Future of Housing Initiative:

The home is central to individual and community well-being and should support our lives today and into the future. In our work to address housing for older adults and their families, AARP and AARP Foundation created the Future of Housing Initiative with a focus on today and tomorrow. The majority of Americans want to live independently in their homes as they age. Therefore thinking about future needs today is of paramount importance.

When it comes to future needs our nation’s housing is severely deficient. By 2030, one in every five Americans will be over age 65, and our nation will face a severe shortage in accessible and affordable housing to meet their needs.

Through the Future of Housing Initiative, we are developing strategies to address the senior housing crisis and make all of our communities affordable and welcoming for people regardless of age, background, circumstance, or physical ability. Learn more by visiting:

Suggested Citation:

Guzman, Shannon, and Jennifer Skow. The Cohousing Movement and Its Position as an Option for Older Adults. Washington, DC: AARP Public Policy Institute, June 2019.