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Complete Streets Are Safer Streets

In too many communities, it can be impossible to get around if you don't have a car. In too many communities, sidewalks are few and far between. For too many years, transportation policies have mostly served people using fast-moving vehicles rather than public transit, bicycles or their own two feet. But a street that's safe for a 70-year-old to cross to shop is safe for a 7-year-old walking to school. Complete, smartly planned streets and transportation options are great for people of all ages.

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Mobility As a Service Has 'MaaS' Appeal

FlexDanmark could be an effective transportation solution for America's non-drivers.

AARP Walk Audit Tool Kit

An all new guide (and worksheets) for conducting a safety audit of streets and sidewalks

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We have content lists about Transportation, WalkabilityComplete Streets, Bicycling and more

How to Host a Ciclovia

When roads are closed to cars and trucks, people can safely walk, bicycle and even dance in the streets

Living a Car-Free Life

People of all ages are driving less — and enjoying life in the not-so-fast lane

AARP Livability Fact Sheets Collection

The subjects include parking, sidewalks, traffic calming, bicycling and even street trees

The Future of Transportation

Explore how emerging technologies may impact our communities and the ways we get around

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