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Emerging Innovations: Mobility Managers

Long-Term Services and Supports Scorecard

Mobility managers are an untapped resource that can meet a massive community need across the country—coordinating transportation for older adults, people with disabilities, veterans, and other members of the riding public.

Mobility management is a relatively new approach to coordinating community transportation services in both urban and rural areas. AARP’s Long-Term Services and Supports State Scorecard identified transportation as one of the biggest obstacles for people who do not drive but want to live at home and in the community. Yet many communities are unaware they can tap federal funds to hire for the potentially game-changing position of mobility manager.

Featuring a range of vital information including details on available federal funding sources, this latest report in the Scorecard’s Emerging Innovations series profiles mobility manager programs in five states. The report also features formerly traditional transit agencies that are transforming themselves into person-centered mobility management services.