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spinner image Nurse Jessica Piccioni holding flowers with patient next to her


AARP and The DAISY Foundation™ Collaboration

AARP and The DAISY Foundation are collaborating to help consumers and family caregivers thank and show gratitude to nurses, while also helping nurses feel more valued and appreciated during an especially challenging time for health care workers.


The Gratitude for Nurses effort taps both organizations’ unique resources for a common purpose – honoring and valuing nurses who provide above-and-beyond compassionate care to patients and families.


To nominate a nurse for a DAISY Award, visit The DAISY Foundation website.


For AARP, with its long history of investing in nursing to assure that all Americans have access to a highly skilled nurse, the collaboration is a key element in championing a robust nursing workforce as essential for the care of older adults and their families. The hope is that more people expressing gratitude to both registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical (LPNs) nurses can help translate into greater job satisfaction for nurses and lower turnover, while potentially attracting more people to the profession.

The DAISY Foundation created The DAISY Award® for Extraordinary Nurses, 25 years ago. It was the first program of its kind to give patients, families, and co-workers a way to express their gratitude to nurses for what they became nurses to do - provide compassionate care to patients and their families.

To nominate a nurse for a DAISY Award, visit The DAISY Foundation website.


AARP and DAISY Make News in Supporting Nurses

AARP and The DAISY Foundation recently announced a collaboration between the two organizations to recognize the value of nurses to help improve nursing job satisfaction and retain more nurses in the profession. Recent AARP polling found that 96% of Americans aged 50+ believe more should be done to recognize the value of nurses.


The Gratitude for Nurses initiative kicked off with a press conference at the AARP National office in Washington, DC on April 2. The event featured remarks from Susan Reinhard, PhD, RN, FAAN, Senior Vice President and Director, AARP Public Policy Institute and Chief Strategist, Center to Champion Nursing in America and Family Caregiving Initiatives, Bonnie and Mark Barnes, co-founders of The DAISY Foundation, Deb Zimmerman, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, CEO of The DAISY Foundation, and Ena Williams, PhD, MBA, RN, CENP, Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer at Yale New Haven Hospital. Danielle McCamey, DNP, ACNP-BC, FCCP, Assistant Dean at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, participated in a media interview about the collaboration.


Read AARP’s press release and story about the collaboration.


Coverage included:


3WTKR TV, Hamptons Road, Virginia

How a National Nursing Shortage Affects the Need for Caregivers in Norfolk


McKnights Senior Living

Collaboration Targets Elevating the Value of Nursing

spinner image State proposals would help nurses treat patients