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2020 will be remembered as the year we all let everything go, especially the guys! They grew beards or a hefty scruff, abandoned jeans for sweats, shoes for sneakers, and pretty much let their hair, skin, nails and body do their own thing. That laissez-faire attitude may work forever for younger men, but not at 50-plus when age-related changes like ear and nose hair, dingy teeth, hair loss and wrinkles arrive. Looking healthy and cared for is part of self-esteem, and we all need that. It may take a few more products and a couple of extra minutes to achieve, but aren't you worth it? Of course, you are!
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1. Wash your face and moisturize it daily
Big surprise, but many older men don't have a daily skin care routine or even cleanse their face other than a quick rinse in the shower. So here's a heads-up: Using a cleanser or bar soap in that shower, followed by a moisturizer when you get out, is the fast track to a healthier look even if your face is wrinkled, dry as sandpaper and peppered with age spots. No need to get more complicated a regimen than that. Just choose unscented formulas and a dual day/night lotion or cream with one or two do-good ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin and aloe on the label. If you prefer bar soap, be sure it's a moisturizing formula and not one designed for oily skin and acne or a deodorizing body soap. Be gentle in lathering, rinse well and pat (don't rub) dry. This is your face — not a kitchen floor! Three to try: Cetaphil Daily Hydrating Lotion for Face ($15,, Dove Men+Care Hydrate+ Face Wash ($6,, Bulldog Skincare for Men Original Face Moisturizer ($10,
2. Add a weekly face scrub
Think of a scrub as a vacuum cleaner. Despite daily cleansing, mature male skin (which is thicker than female skin) needs a weekly exfoliation. Yeah, it's another product, another step, but cell turnover gets sluggish with age. That's when invisible dead cells on the surface give your skin a dull, rough, dry texture and clog pores on the nose. Just take two minutes a week and substitute a gentle scrub like Burt's Bees Men's Face Scrub ($8,, Nivea Men Maximum Hydration Face Scrub ($5, or Jack Black Face Buff Energizing Scrub ($30, for your usual daily cleanser. You'll get a closer shave and a just-back-from-the-gym glow, too. And yes, stubble-and-beard fans also benefit from the weekly buffing to remove debris, dirt and oil.
3. Use an eye treatment
Getting a lot of “you look tired” comments? It's probably due to under-eye puffiness and dark circles. The cause can be anything from genetics, sleepless nights, too much screen time, salt or alcohol. Eye skin is thinner and drier, so that's where fatigue, poor diet and stress show up first. Start using a cream like Cetaphil Hydrating Eye Gel Cream ($17,, Garnier SkinActive Clearly Brighter Anti-Dark Circle Eye Roller ($15, or Clinique for Men Anti-Fatigue Eye Gel ($34, daily. Just gently blend by tapping — not rubbing — a tiny amount (we're talking grain of rice size here) under each eye in a crescent shape. Avoid going too close to the lash line. Store your eye treatment in the fridge since cold helps deflate puffiness faster.
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