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What’s Stopping You from Hearing Better?

Don’t let these common roadblocks get in your way

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Gained wisdom, taking on a new hobby, and more quality time with your grandchildren are just some of the benefits of getting older. Many people describe this chapter of their lives as the best so far. Freedom to take on your day as you want makes for a happier life.

For so many adults over 50, another reality is mild to moderate hearing loss. And if left untreated, hearing loss can get in the way of enjoying life to the fullest. No matter where you are in your hearing loss journey, there is a way forward.

Don’t let any of these roadblocks prevent you or a loved one from addressing hearing loss.

Roadblock #1 - Ignoring hearing loss

Hearing loss is gradual and happens over time. But if you have hearing loss, you know the signs all too well. You find yourself leaning in more to hear conversations, turning up the volume on the TV, or asking people to repeat themselves. You can only ignore it for so long. And why do that? One in three people in the U.S. ages 65 to 74 has hearing loss, and nearly half of those older than 75 have difficulty hearing.1 You’re not alone, and you deserve a simple solution that keeps you connected to the world around you. Keep reading to learn more.

Roadblock #2 - Just accepting hearing loss as a fact of life

Once people recognize that they don’t hear as well as they once did, many think they’ll deal with it when it gets “really bad.” In the meantime, they miss out on important moments, and find life frustrating and sometimes isolating. That’s no way to live! Accepting hearing loss means you can work towards finding the right solution and begin enjoying life again.

Roadblock #3 - Feeling embarrassed to wear a hearing aid

Today’s hearing aids are not the same as your grandfather’s, or even your father’s. Technology has advanced so much, even in the last few years. It’s possible to wear sleek and discreet hearing aids that look virtually invisible.

Roadblock #4 - Thinking hearing aids are too expensive

It’s true hearing aids can range in price depending on your needs. The good news is that the FDA recently approved the sale of hearing aids over the counter (OTC). If you have mild to moderate hearing loss, Sony’s CRE-C10 OTC is an easy, affordable, do-it-yourself hearing solution that offers prescription-grade sound quality.

Talk to your doctor -- hearing loss should not be ignored. Your treatment will depend on the severity of your hearing loss. If you have mild to moderate hearing loss, learn more about the affordable Sony CRE-C10 OTC hearing aid. The CRE-C10 Self-Fitting OTC Hearing Aid is an FDA-cleared medical device with a sleek and discreet design giving you prescription-grade sound quality. These hearing aids are easy to set up and are personalized to your hearing needs via the Hearing Control App on your smartphone.

Isn’t it time you reconnect to what matters most?

Click here to learn more about Sony’s CRE-C10 Self-Fitting Over the Counter Hearing Aid.


1 National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIH), March 2022

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