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Graham-Cassidy Would Lead to Unaffordable Costs for Older Adults Who Get Sick or Have a Pre-Existing Condition

The Graham-Cassidy bill, as released on September 13, 2017 and on September 25, 2017, would lead to unaffordable increases in health care costs for older adults ages 50-64 who get sick or have a pre-existing condition.  AARP examined the potential impact of Graham-Cassidy on two typical older consumers in select states and counties. 

Health insurance premiums and out-of-pocket costs could skyrocket under the bill. For example, in Cumberland County, Maine, a 50 year old consumer who is diagnosed with colon cancer could see her total health care costs increase by as much as $53,000 a year.  And a 60 year-old consumer with preexisting conditions including diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure, could see his total health care costs increase by as much as $30,200 a year.