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Eat to Beat Cancer

Add these superfoods and drinks to your regular diet to reduce your risk

spinner image Superfoods (Kang Kim)
Eat an apple a day. It may help you prevent cancer.
Kang Kim


Apples contain at least two kinds of cancer-inhibiting compounds: flavonoids and phenolic acids. Together they may protect against damage to cells that can trigger malignancies; they may also prevent emerging cancer cells from dividing any further. If apples aren't your favorite food, try citrus fruits and berries.

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spinner image A pile of nuts, Foods That Fight Cancer
Consuming nuts may reduce your risk of dying from cancer.
Kang Kim


According to a recent Harvard study, a serving of nuts a day (roughly a handful) helps ward off deaths from both heart disease and cancer. "People who ate a serving of nuts five or more times a week saw an 11 percent reduction in deaths due to cancer," says Ying Bao, an epidemiologist who led the study.

spinner image Bowl of beans and lentils, Foods That Fight Cancer
Protect colon cells by eating more beans and lentils.
Kang Kim

Beans and Lentils

Loaded with fiber, beans and lentils contain antioxidants, phytochemicals and folate, which protect colon cells while stimulating bowel function. Soybeans, in particular, contain genistein, a powerful compound that scientists are investigating as a possible treatment for prostate, lung and colorectal cancer.

spinner image Cup of tea, Cup of coffee, Foods That Fight Cancer
Drink a cup of green tea to protect against prostate cancer.
Kang Kim

Tea and Coffee

Ingredients in tea and coffee may protect against a variety of cancers. The antioxidants in coffee seem to be especially effective against endometrial cancer. And green tea seems protective against prostate cancer. But make sure to let it cool a bit before drinking: Very hot beverages may increase the risk of esophageal cancer.

spinner image Curry powder, Foods That Fight Cancer
Curcumin may protect against brain tumors.
Kang Kim


Laboratory studies have found that curcumin — the main ingredient in the spice turmeric, which gives curry its characteristic yellow color and sizzle — can fight against cancerous changes in healthy cells as well as slow the growth of malignant cells. Some evidence suggests that curcumin may also offer protection against brain tumors.

spinner image A whole, ripe tomato, Foods That Fight Cancer
Lycopene in tomatoes can prevent malignant cancerous cells from multiplying.
Kang Kim


Teeming with the antioxidant lycopene, tomatoes may block cancer by, among other things, stopping malignant cells from multiplying and by causing them to destroy themselves. Although tomatoes in almost all forms are full of nutrition, lycopene is more easily available to the body in cooked tomato products such as tomato sauce.

spinner image Garlic cloves, White Onion, Foods That Fight Cancer
Garlic seems effective in warding off colon cancer.
Kang Kim

Garlic and Onions

The compounds that give garlic and onions their strong flavor appear to stave off cancer by neutralizing carcinogenic substances and speeding the repair of damaged DNA. Like many cancer-fighting foods, garlic seems especially effective against digestive-tract cancers, including those of the esophagus and colon.

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spinner image A glass bottle of milk, Foods That Fight Cancer
Milk may help maintain a healthy weight.
Kang Kim


The calcium in dairy products may neutralize potential carcinogens, particularly those found in processed meats. Not all studies agree that milk lowers cancer risk. But recent reports do show that milk drinkers are less likely to become obese. And there is evidence that maintaining a healthy weight protects against cancer.

spinner image Fresh broccoli on a white background. Foods That Fight Cancer
Broccoli contains sulforaphane, a cancer-fighting substance.
Kang Kim


Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are packed with sulforaphane, a cancer-fighting substance so potent that researchers are testing it as a drug. "Sulforaphane is delivered to almost every tissue in the body," says Trygve O. Tollefsbol, a professor in the biology department at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

spinner image Foods That Fight Cancer
Kale has been shown to prevent the growth of cancer cells.
Kang Kim

Dark, Leafy Greens

Leafy greens — including arugula, kale, spinach and romaine — abound in antioxidants called carotenoids, which in laboratory studies have been shown to inhibit the growth of a variety of cancer cells, including skin, lung, stomach and certain kinds of breast cancer. Spinach may even block carcinogens from cooked meat.

spinner image Red grapes on a stem, Foods That Fight Cancer
Help prevent cancer cell growth by eating red grapes. Red Grapes
Kang Kim

Red Grapes

Red grapes (and red wine) are loaded with resveratrol, which inhibits cancer-cell growth and causes cancer cells to self-destruct. According to recent findings, resveratrol remains effective — and may be more powerful — after it's metabolized by the body. The compound is found in peanuts, cranberries and blueberries, too.

spinner image Whole grain bread, Foods That Fight Cancer
Whole grains may be linked to a lower risk of colorectal cancer.
Kang Kim

Whole grains

For years, we've been urged to eat three to five servings of whole grains a day. There's good reason: They are linked to a lower risk of colorectal cancer, a 2013 Danish study of 108,000 people has found. What's more, whole grains offer protection against other chronic conditions, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

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