AARP Hearing Center
When you’re preparing for a trip, at the moment just before you close your suitcase, consider this: You have just packed your true self inside your luggage. Just as your handwriting reveals a lot about you and your voice is as unique as a fingerprint, your packing style is a window into your soul.
As a longtime travel journalist, I have observed people packing and unpacking in places around the world and witnessed a number of packing styles that have given me insight into who the packer is, both at home and on the road.
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1. The Worrier
You know you’re prone to pre-trip jitters, so you organize everything in your mind, pack a week before the trip and still stew about last-minute details. You avoid packing bright clothes; actually, your wardrobe is all earth tones and neutral colors. You demand a lot of yourself and are self-critical. You are also intelligent, sensitive and observant. You try to please people and have a good heart. Once you are on the trip, your jitters go away and you occasionally – perhaps after a glass of wine – throw caution to the wind, change some plans, try new things and laugh at yourself when you make mistakes. Travel is very healing for you.
2. The Consensus Builder
Packing is a group effort for you, and it involves asking your significant other, friends and family for advice. Does this shirt look good? What about the bathing suit? How many pants should you take? Should you consider wearing all black at night? You may project an air of self-confidence in some areas of your life, but you also need caring and attention and are not always as sure of yourself as it may appear. You’re a good friend to others and a great travel partner because you make decisions by consensus. Because you’re open to others’ suggestions about what to see and where to go, you reap the benefit of delightful, unanticipated pleasures while traveling.
3. The ‘I’ve Got This’ Packer
You have one carry-on for a two-week trip and still have room in your bag for gifts you buy on the road. You manage to look great every day, and you change to new shoes and clothes every night. You’re a no-nonsense, organized person who doesn’t like much outside interference and wants to be in control of his own life. You’re smart, competent and do not like to be caught off guard. You plan which monuments, museums and nature highlights you want to see. Your feelings are as organized as your luggage, but sometimes they refuse to be neatly packed away. When that happens, you surprise yourself by your openness to things you haven’t planned in advance and your ability to experience child-like joy and discovery.