2018 Survey of Oregonians: OregonSaves Program
This survey reassessed Oregonians’ access to employer-sponsored retirement programs and support for OregonSaves now that the program has been implemented for one year. It is a follow-up to a similar study conducted in summer 2017. Current findings indicate that the program has grown in awareness among Oregonians—in 2017 20 percent reported hearing about it, and this year over one quarter (28%) say they have heard of it. In fact, one in five (19%) have heard about OregonSaves from their employer. The program continues to enjoy strong support among Oregonians.
Key findings include:
- Given a short description of OregonSaves, 82% support it, including over half (53%) who strongly support it.
- About a quarter (28%) of Oregonians have seen or heard about OregonSaves.
- More than half (65%) feel at least “somewhat” anxious that they will have enough money to live through their retirement years.
- About one in five (19%) Oregon workers report not having access to a retirement plan through their work.
This telephone survey of 1,003 Oregon residents aged 18-64 was conducted from July 18–31, 2018 by DHM Research. Quotas were set by age, gender, and area of the state to ensure a representative sample. For more information, contact Jennifer Sauer at jsauer@aarp.org. For media inquiries, contact media@aarp.org.
Suggested Citation:
Horvick, John. 2018 Survey of Oregonians: OregonSaves Program. Washington, DC: AARP Research, September 2018. https://doi.org/10.26419/res.00248.001
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