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Women Ride Bicycles, City Environment, Sunny Outdoors, AARP Livable Communities Tool Kits Resources

AARP seeks to improve older adults’ quality of life by promoting the development of safe, accessible and vibrant environments often called livable communities. Livable communities policies address issues such as land use, housing, transportation and broadband — all of which facilitate aging in place.

Featured Resources

The Livability Index: Great Neighborhoods for All Ages

This important resource helps communities assess how well they're meeting the needs of people as they age.

Future of Transportation

The AARP Public Policy Institute explores the future of transportation with autonomous vehicles and mobility services.

Future of Housing

The AARP Public Policy Institute explores strategies to address the senior housing crisis.

Livable Communities Topics


The availability, affordability and variety of housing options is inextricably connected to the overall quality of life in a community.


Older adults need transportation to the places and services that support their independence. Policies that encourage adequate, safe and accessible transportation infrastructure and services help people of all ages stay active and engaged in their communities.

Telecom and Energy

People of all ages need and deserve to have affordable, reliable and high-quality telecommunications and energy service where they live and work. It is essential to health, economic welfare and overall quality of life.

More Livability Topics

Much of the work of the Public Policy Institute’s Livable Communities team is crosscutting in nature, covering the topics of land use, transportation and housing under a single title. It also includes emerging work on the linkage between health and community environments.

Livable Communities Video Series



Active Living for All Ages

Connect With Us

Using a mix of graphics, expert interviews, and other footage, AARP Public Policy Institute’s award-winning series is designed to “lift policy off the page.”