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Photo Album: Bicycling

Here's a look at some of the ways the AARP Community Challenge supports cyclists and bicycling-related places and programs

The AARP Community Challenge has helped communities nationwide raise awareness about cycling as a mobility option for people of all ages — including, of course, older adults. Learn more below.

Newport, Rhode Island / Lebanon, New Hampshire

spinner image Two examples of Cycling Without Age trishaws, pilots and riders
Photographs from Bike Newport and Friends of the Northern Rail Trail (Grantees, 2022 AARP Community Challenge)

The Cycling Without Age program connects volunteer cyclists — called “pilots” — with elderly adults and people with mobility limitations for trishaw rides. Nonprofits throughout the world train and certify the pilots, provide the trishaws, and partner with senior centers and assisted living residences, among other facilities, to help noncyclists go for a ride. (Pilots and temporarily unhelmeted riders from two AARP Community Challenge grantees — Bike Newport and Friends of the Northern Rail Trail — are pictured.) Said one passenger: “I have got to say, wow! It’s incredibly enjoyable. Like a slow-moving amusement park ride through nature!”


Florence, Kentucky

spinner image Bike parking and a bike fix-it station in Florence, South Carolina
Photographs from Florence Christian Church (Grantee, 2022 AARP Community Challenge)

More than 40 percent of the members of the Florence Christian Church are 55 or older. Many struggle with hunger and housing, so rely on the church’s food pantry and bathing facilities. Because several congregants use a bicycle as their primary form of transportation, an AARP Community Challenge grant was used to purchase and install a secure bike rack. Since most of the cyclists are getting by with a second-hand, often poorly functioning bike, grant funds were also used for a bike-fix-it station.  A church member named Will, 61, who has been living outdoors for several years, depends on his bicycle to get from his camp to the church so he can shower and eat dinner at the mission. He used the fix-it station tools to attach a wagon to his bike for carrying his belongings.


McDonough, Georgia

spinner image Older adults ride and pose with tricycles funded by an AARP grant
Photographs from the Heritage Senior Activity Center (Grantee, 2022 AARP Community Challenge)

A 55-plus recreational facility, the Heritage Senior Activity Center serves more than 500 older adults as part of its mission to reduce social isolation through education, meals, travel and fitness. An AARP Community Challenge grant was used to purchase 10 adult tricycles, as well as helmets, locks and baskets. Many of the center's clients (some of whom are shown here posing with or trying out the trikes) haven’t been on a bicycle in decades or never even learned to ride. Said one cyclist: “I can’t believe I am riding a bike again at 83! I never thought this was something I could do anymore. I almost feel like a kid again!"


Greenville, North Carolina

spinner image Aerial view of a traffic garden
Photograph from BikeWalkNC (Grantee, 2022 AARP Community Challenge)

Older adults represent a disproportionate share of bicyclists and pedestrians in roadway crashes, so BikeWalkNC used its AARP Community Challenge grant to create a “traffic garden,” which is a simulated street layout, created with paint and signage, to help pedestrians, cyclists and even motorists learn safety practices in a protected environment. “This is a traffic garden where parents, teachers, law enforcement officers, organizations — anyone — can come out and learn,” says Steven Hardy-Braz, vice president of BikeWalkNC. 


Greenville, South Carolina

spinner image Images of a bike repair work bench and two men working on a bike repair
Photograph from Mill Village Ministries/Village Wrench (Grantee, 2022 AARP Community Challenge)

Four out of 10 households in the Greenville area do not have a vehicle and the local public transportation is limited. Village Wrench (commonly referred to as VW) is a bicycle shop that provides free repairs. According to its mechanics, many of the repairs they do could be performed by bike owners themselves if they have the right tools, a space to work in and some instruction. An AARP Community Challenge grant was used to add six "community work benches" to the VW repair space. Each bench is outfitted with a bike stand, a tablet containing bike repair videos, and tools that were purposely selected for use by older hands, such as those with arthritis. VW reports that one of its clients, a man named Chris, was homeless and jobless, in part due to his lack of transportation. After securing a bicycle by doing community service work through VW's Earn a Bike program, Chris landed a job. He uses the repair benches to maintain his bike, which he uses for traveling to and from work.


Houston, Texas / Pensacola, Florida / Macon, Georgia

spinner image A photo and flyers of three open streets bicycling events
Photographs from City of Houston Planning and Development | Bike Pensacola | Bike Walk Macon (Grantees, 2020, 2021 and 2020 AARP Community Challenge)

“Pop-up” events along the Gonzalez Street Shareway in Pensacola and Westward Street in Houston allowed more than 1,000 participants to experience protected walk-bike routes, socialize with neighbors, visit with food and retail vendors, and provide feedback about the kinds of traffic safety enhancements they would like added to their community. (Watch a video about the Houston gathering.) In Macon, three “Open Streets” events closed roadways to motorists and opened them to more than 2,000 pedestrians and bicyclists. The activities were funded in part by AARP Community Challenge grants and the locations were selected to highlight newly installed street murals, artistic crosswalks, and traffic calming initiatives.    

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Sunrise, Florida

spinner image A soccer-ball themed bike rack next to a playing field
Photograph from City of Sunrise, Florida (Grantee, 2020 AARP Community Challenge)

In addition to a safe, comfortable and convenient way to get from point A to point B, cyclists need a safe, secure and reliable place to lock their bike once they arrive at a destination. Short-term bike parking is important for shoppers, diners and visitors. Long-term bike parking is crucial for employees, tenants and anyone spending more than a few hours at a destination. The AARP Community Challenge has funded several hundred (often whimsical) bike racks.


Free Publication!

spinner image Front and back covers of the AARP Bike Audit Tool Kit

Visit to download or order the AARP Bike Audit Tool Kit, a free guide by AARP Livable Communities and The League of American Bicyclists.


More About the AARP Community Challenge

Page published October 2023

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