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AARP Bulletin June 2022

Older Americans are redefining health, wealth and the goals of long life


Older Americans are not only the happiest adult Americans as a whole, but they also consider themselves healthier and more financially secure than those in their 40s and 50s, reveals a new study published in the AARP Bulletin. The “Second Half of Life Study,” conducted with National Geographic, surveyed thousands of adults ages 18 to 90 to explore how Americans perceive their current life, their expectations for the future and aging in general as we emerge from the COVID pandemic. About two-thirds of adults over 80 said that they were living their “best possible life” or close to it, compared with just 1 in 5 younger adults.

The study disproves many common misconceptions about aging and suggests that greater focus should be put on adults in their 40s and 50s, who reported higher levels of stress and worry and lower levels of life satisfaction and health than older Americans did.

Also in the June issue:

The rewards of continuing to work in retirement: Working in retirement might sound like a contradiction in terms, but that’s not necessarily the case. Learn about eight good reasons to keep working after retirement.

Fraud Watch: Hear these words? Hang up! Can you identify the signs of a fraudulent phone call? The Bulletin shares texts from seven actual phone-scam pitches gathered by the AARP Fraud Watch Network Helpline and challenges you to find the word or phrase that reveals it’s a fraud.

The dangers of the sugary drink trend: Designer sodas, freshly pressed juices and smoothies, chocolatey frappés, bubble teas — we now have more fancy store-bought drink options than ever before! But many of these beverages are shockingly high in sugar, which puts you at greater risk for several health conditions.

Photo dispatches from Ukraine: Older photojournalists known for their wartime journalism over the past decades are flocking to Ukraine, on their own dime, to make sure the world sees the truth of what’s happening there. Meet several and see their most powerful images.


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Past Issues of AARP Bulletin

May 2022

In this issue, find out how to get around today’s dire shortage of workers and supplies — and get the work you need done.




April 2022

An investigation on how organized crime is affecting U.S. consumers and how to protect yourself from becoming a victim




March 2022

An informative report on the health of Social Security, and why protein may be the key to weight loss




January/February 2022

With the two-year anniversary of COVID approaching, AARP Bulletin reports how to make the new year healthy, safe and productive. 



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