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Video 5: Age-Friendly Network Training

Learn about writing and submitting an Age-Friendly Action Plan — a community’s first major deliverable as part of the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities

This is the fifth in a series of six videos about the process of making a community more "age-friendly" by joining the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities

This video (or module) discusses the components of an age-friendly action plan, as well as how to use an action plan to begin age-friendly activities in a community.

An action plan lays out the goals, action items and strategies that a community will use to address the needs identified during the assessment phase of the age-friendly process. The plan, a three-year roadmap for future age-friendly work, is comprised of the following key elements:

  • an executive summary
  • a letter of support from the community's elected leadership
  • a community profile
  • mission, vision and values statements
  • a summary of the community assessment results
  • a list of age-friendly team members
  • the goals
  • action items 
  • timelines

An age-friendly action plan is an important tool in creating an age-friendly workplan and it can become a communications tool for celebrating incremental age-friendly successes.  

Video Duration: 12 minutes