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The Case for the Auto IRA

The Auto IRA could improve retirement security for millions of workers

The Auto IRA could improve retirement security for millions of workers while boosting America’s saving rate, leading to improved living standards for future generations.

The Case for Automatic Enrollment in Individual Retirement Accounts

This In Brief by PPI’s Gary Koenig summarizes key findings on the economic impact of the Auto IRA and its potential to bolster retirement security. Read

The Population of Workers Covered by the Auto IRA: Trends and Characteristics

This report by Benjamin H. Harris and Ilana Fischer of the Brookings Institution shows the Auto IRA would extend a workplace retirement savings plan to roughly one-quarter of the U.S. workforce. Most of the workers covered under the Auto IRA would be full-time employees and more than 80 percent have earnings less than $50,000. Read

Economic Effects of Automatic Enrollment in Individual Retirement Accounts

This report by Benjamin H. Harris of the Brookings Institution and Rachel M. Johnson of the Urban Institute illustrates the enormous impact the Auto IRA proposal could have on retirement savings and security. Average contributions to IRAs for those benefiting under the proposal would increase  and an estimated 5 percent to 15 percent of taxpayers would receive a tax cut, with those in the middle-income groups benefiting most. Read