This innovative legal services delivery program brings legal services directly to the neighborhoods where D.C. seniors live.
Consumer Advocacy and Homeownership Preservation Practice
We have been litigating key predatory lending and real property fraud cases for over two decades.
Economic and Healthcare Security Practice
The EHS Practice ensures D.C. low-income seniors secure and maintain financial security, access to healthcare and independence.
Homebound Elderly Legal Project (Project HELP)
Project HELP provides critical legal assistance and advocacy to some of the most vulnerable seniors living in our community.
Our legal hotline provides free legal advice, assistance and referrals to all D.C residents 60 years of age or older.
Pro Bono Access to Justice Practice
We recruit attorneys who willingly contribute their valuable time to provide legal services to low-income, older people.
We assist low-income seniors who do not need to file a complete tax return with filing for the DC Schedule H property tax credit.
Six locations to help seniors write letters, complete applications to obtain certain benefits, prepare complaint forms, and more.
The SMP empowers and assists Medicare beneficiaries prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse.
We partner with law firms to explore improvements to the law, identify case law, and develop client informational materials.
Tenant Advocacy and Support Practice
Our TAS Practice combines social work, legal and volunteer coordination to help prevent eviction of D.C. elders.
Office of the DC Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Our Ombudsmen work to resolve complaints of long-term residents in facilities and in private homes.
We assist DC veterans aged 60+ with applications for VA Pension benefits and with disputing allegations of debts and overpayments.