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National Volunteer Month

Explore AARP Foundation's annual event for volunteers, staff, non-profits, and partner organizations committed to building community and volunteerism.

Every April, organizations and individuals celebrate volunteers who dedicate their time and talent to making a difference in other people’s lives. AARP Foundation proudly celebrates National Volunteer Month to recognize the service of more than 28,000 volunteers who make our Tax-Aide and Experience Corps programs a resounding success and who advance our vision of ending senior poverty.

Below, please find our messages of thanks to volunteers, stories about their service, and resources for volunteers and others interested in celebrating National Volunteer Month with AARP Foundation:


A Message from Mioshi Moses, Vice President of Volunteer Programs 

Mioshi Moses, Vice President of Volunteer Programs

AARP’s founder, Ethel Percy Andrus, called volunteers “America in action.” And that’s exactly what our volunteers are. In giving your time, your energy, your compassion, and your experience, you are strengthening our communities and working with others to ensure everyone has a chance to thrive. Thanks to all our volunteers for partnering with us, for your dedication to service, and for helping us make a collective difference in communities across the country.

We Are 28,000 Times Grateful

AARP Foundation staff work across the organization to support our volunteers and volunteer programs. Their work includes communications, marketing and recruitment campaigns, fundraising, managing federal grants to support program operations, research to evaluate program success, and proprietary technology development. This month, our staff is also saluting all our volunteers with messages of gratitude and personalized good wishes.

Learn About Our Volunteers 

Our 28,000 volunteers have amazing stories to tell and a broad range of reasons for serving in their communities. 

Chuck Raeder, AARP Foundation Tax-Aide

In 2012, Tax-Aide volunteer leader Chuck Raeder sold his company, retired, and began volunteering with the tax assistance program. “For whatever you put in, you get a lot more out,” he says. For him, it’s a full-time commitment — currently, he is the chair of the National Tax Training Committee, helping certify and train AARP Foundation’s cadre of volunteers in tax law and tax software. (Enjoy the stories of Tax-Aide volunteers Chuck RaederJanelle Riedle, Dave Martz, Barbara Dooley, and Alan Siegel.)

Terri Myers-Edwards, AARP Foundation Experience Corps

Terri Myers-Edwards was the first African American court reporter in California’s Orange County Superior Court, where she worked for 25 years before joining Experience Corps. She believes that “we are a better people when we care for one another, and our communities are better.” Terri still remembers her childhood library’s reading contest and her six grandchildren, not surprisingly, are all great readers. (Enjoy the stories of Terri Myers-Edwards, Earlean Lewis, Calvin Leonard, Carol Dolan, and Linda Fong.)

National Recognition for Experience Corps Tutors

In 2022-2023, Experience Corps tutors spent more than 103,000 hours supporting schools, teachers, and thousands of students. In 2024, almost 200 of these volunteers are receiving the President’s Volunteer Service Awards, our nation’s most prestigious award recognizing the impact of volunteers on their communities. Read About the 2024 PVSA Recipients

28,000 Reasons Showcase

Are you an AARP Foundation volunteer with Tax-Aide or Experience Corps who shared your story and motivation for volunteering last month? We’re compiling responses and will share our “28,000 Reasons Showcase” here soon. If you requested a shirt, monitor your email inbox for updates.



The difference for people who are struggling can come down to one act of kindness, one conversation ... one volunteer. Find an AARP Foundation volunteer opportunity near you and be the difference.