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Connecting, Serving, and Giving: Civic Engagement among Mid-Life and Older African American/Black Adults

This study presents the findings of a survey of non-Hispanic, African Americans/Blacks ages 50 and older regarding several key areas of social and community involvement, including:

  • Their perceived level of influence in making a difference on problems that exist in their community.

  • The number of groups and organizations to which they belong.

  • Their level of involvement in civic and community activities.

  • The frequency with which they vote in Presidential and local elections.

  • Their rate of volunteering—for organizations and/or on their own.

  • Their rate of charitable giving.

  • Demographic and other factors that influence their level of civic engagement.

Key findings include the following:

  • Civic engagement among African Americans/Blacks ages 50 and older has held fairly steady since 2009.  

  • Top predictors of civic engagement among African Americans/Blacks ages 50 and older are household income and education level.  

  • The percentage of 50+ African Americans/Blacks (36%) who feel they have a lot or moderate amount of influence on community problems declined by six percentage points from 2009 (42%).

  • Religious organizations are the most-often cited organizations to which African Americans/Blacks ages 50 and older belong; but have declined since 2009 (i.e., from 69% to 61%).    

This national address-based telephone survey of 714 non-Hispanic African Americans/Blacks ages 50 and older was conducted in August 2015 by AARP’s research partner (SSI) as part of AARP’s Attitude, Trend & Opinion Monitor (ATOM).  Interviews were 20 minutes in length on average and data were weighted by age, gender and other key characteristics.  For more information contact Alicia Williams at


Suggested Citation:

Williams, Alicia R. Connecting, Serving and Giving: Civic Engagement among Mid-Life and Older African American/Black Adults. Washington, DC: AARP Research, November 2016.

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