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The Grandparent Study 2002 Report

Undertaken by AARP's Grandparent Information Center to examine the relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren, this study presents a comprehensive look at the grandparent-grandchild relationship from the perspective of AARP members who are grandparents.

Issues addressed in the 2002 report include: visitation, communication between grandparent and grandchild, topics discussed with grandchildren and activities in which they engage, child day care and the grandparent market. Additionally, comparisons are made between Baby Boom generation grandparents (Grand-Boomers) and their non-Boomer counterparts.

Generally, the study found grandparents across all age groups attempting to keep in contact and visit their grandchildren. Although many may have to travel great distances to see their grandchildren, grandparents report a relatively high rate of such visits.

Telephone interviews were conducted during November 2001 with a total of 1,500 AARP members who are grandparents. The respondents ranged in age from 45 to 100, with a mean age of 64. Roper ASW conducted the survey and data entry, and the report was prepared by Curt Davies with the assistance of Dameka Williams, both of AARP Knowledge Management. (88 pages)