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2005 Maryland Legislative Issues: Member Priorities

AARP Member Opinion Research

This mail survey of Maryland AARP members explores the level of priority they think AARP should place on working on various state legislative issues.

Maryland members are concerned about issues of health. This is evident in their ranking of legislative priorities, the top three of which center around health and health benefits — ensuring availability, cost, and quality of health care (90%), making prescription drugs more affordable (88%), and protecting access to promised pensions and retiree health benefits (86%).

Of those surveyed...

  • 53 percent think all eight legislative issues about which they were asked should be a top or high priority for AARP to work on in Maryland

  • 86 percent say it should be a priority to expand health insurance coverage for the uninsured

The survey was conducted during October and November 2005. Although there was an oversample from three legislative districts, the only data used for the member priorities newsletter was from the 2000 statewide members. Further information may be obtained by contacting Erica Dinger of AARP Knowledge Management at 202-434-6176.