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Iowa Home and Community-Based Long-Term Care: An AARP Survey

AARP Member Opinion Research

In 2001, $20 million was cut from the Iowa Senior Living Trust, which funds home and community-based care. This survey investigates the opinions of AARP members in Iowa concerning the importance of independent living and assesses the level of support for two funding measures: (1) restoring and expanding funding for the Iowa Senior Living Trust Fund, and (2) expanding home and community-based care funding through the Iowa Department of Elder Affairs. The study also probes the influence of state candidates' support for home and community-based care on members' voting behavior.

A random sample of 812 AARP members with known telephone numbers were interviewed by phone between December 13 and 20, 2001. The survey was conducted for AARP by Woelful Research and the report prepared by Anita Stowell-Ritter of AARP Knowledge Management (202/434-6205 or (9 pages)