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AARP Caregiving Expert: Barry J. Jacobs

Barry J. Jacobs is a clinical psychologist, a family therapist and a member of AARP's Caregiving Advisory Panel.

His passion for enhancing support for family caregivers led him to write or cowrite dozens of articles and several books on the subject, including AARP Meditations for Caregivers: Practical, Emotional and Spiritual Support for You and Your Family and the forthcoming Love and Meaning at 50. He served as caregiver for his mother and stepfather, both of whom had dementia.

Jacobs has appeared as a caregiving expert on Dr. Phil and given more than 600 presentations for family caregivers, community groups, and medical and mental health professionals. His areas of expertise include behavioral health integration, complex care management, enhancing family caregiver engagement and supports, team-based care, and provider wellness.

A former magazine journalist, he helped put together the first edition of The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll.

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Barry's Latest Columns

The Strengths and Challenges of Immigrant Family Caregivers

How to balance the cultural traditions of caregiving, while allowing for generational differences


How to Handle Caregiving’s ‘Gut-Check’ Moments

Believe in your ability to deal with any caregiving challenge that comes your way


I’m Still Flooded by Waves of Sadness About My Father’s Early Death

Losing him when I was 15 changed the course of my life — and the future of my career


Are You a ‘Control Freak’ Caregiver?

Learn how to strike a balance between being responsible vs. demanding


How Family Caregiving Can Alter Dreams and Goals Deferred

Post-caregiving life may be different than once imagined — in a good way


How Holiday Rituals Can Comfort Grieving Family Caregivers 

Create a personalized remembrance to honor a loved one who has passed


How Worried Caregivers Can Avoid Becoming Anxious

These strategies can help you observe and stop harmful behavior in its tracks


How to Manage Your Expectations as a Caregiver

Some caregiving challenges have no easy solutions, but there are different ways to approach the issues


How to Cope With Guilt When a Parent Enters Nursing Home

 Look at the big picture to help understand and ease conflicted emotions 


3 Caregiving Strategies for Dealing With Medical Uncertainty

Learn how to ease the anguish with these tactics


How Family Members Can Cope with Sudden Caregiving

Training and preparation for future medical issues can help caregivers regain some control


Caregivers Wonder: Why Does My Relative Suffer?

Ways to find acceptance and avoid the blame game



Why Family Caregivers Should Say “No”

Occasionally declining help can assist the care recipient in the long run


How to Forgive Others After Family Caregiving Ends

Looking at the past with new insight may help caregivers get over lingering hurt, anger


Why Caregivers Should Become Champions for Other Caregivers

Helping others navigate their caregiving journey can reduce stress and provide emotional benefits


Why Caregivers Should Confront Rather Than Avoid a Dementia Diagnosis

Don’t let fear of the unknown prevent you from taking the steps to help your loved one


How Caregiving Can Liberate Caregivers From Past Trauma

Learn ways to face the challenges with dignity and resilience


How Caregivers Can Counter Family Gaslighting

Recognize the intentional deception and learn ways to stop it


How to Handle ‘Hard Feelings’ After Caregiving Ends

Guilt and emotional withdrawal can make the grieving process even more difficult


How to Write ‘The Letter’ to Uncooperative Sibling Caregivers

Make a straightforward appeal for assistance with a loved one


5 New Year’s Resolutions for Caregivers to Consider

Positive intentions to embrace in the year ahead


‘When I’m 64’ — and Hope to Never Need a Caregiver

Steps everyone can take to remain independent as long as possible


Managing Aging Adults With Personality Disorders

Strategies include staying calm during outbursts and balancing loyalty with limits


What New Family Caregivers Really Need to Know

Regular exercise, respite breaks and connecting with others will help you in this challenging role



How Guilt-Ridden Caregivers Can Set Limits

To make long-term caregiving sustainable, consider some boundaries


More About Barry


  • Principal, Health Management Associates, Philadelphia
  • Former director of behavioral sciences, Crozer-Keystone Family Medicine Residency Program


  • Doctor of psychology, Widener University
  • Bachelor of arts, Brown University

Select books and publications


  • Don Bloch Award for lifetime achievement, Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, 2016
  • Widener University Graduate Award for Excellence in Professional Psychology, 2009

Select associations and memberships

  • Member, AARP Caregiving Advisory Panel
  • National spokesman, American Heart Association
  • Honorary board member, Well Spouse Association
  • Member, American Psychological Association, American Society on Aging, Collaborative Family Healthcare Association