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Massachusetts Election Issues: Opinions from AARP Bay State Members

AARP Member Opinion Research

In Massachusetts – the state whose Congressman many years ago coined the aphorism that “all politics is local” – residents will be voting in November 2006 for not only a U.S. Senator and members of the House of Representatives, but choosing state legislative representatives and a new governor.

While many issues are being debated on both the national and state levels, it is their close-to-home impact that often decides elections. Two such issues – prescription drug affordability and community-based long-term care (LTC) – are the top personal legislative priorities of Massachusetts AARP members.

Most of those surveyed have prescription drug coverage, but even so...

  • 96 percent support legislation to make prescription drugs more affordable
  • 81 percent would increase funding for Prescription Advantage, the state pharmacy assistance program, and would have it cover all prescription drugs not covered by Medicare
  • 66 percent would be more likely to vote for candidates who support expanding Prescription Advantage to cover all prescriptions

When it comes to long-term care...

  • 94 percent consider being able to stay at home when needing LTC important, and 75 percent are more likely to vote for candidates supporting this
  • 63 percent are not confident they could pay for LTC on their own, and 74 lack LTC insurance
  • 70 percent support improved access, affordability and quality of LTC insurance and would be likely to vote for like-minded candidates

This mail survey of 1,545 AARP Massachusetts members was conducted between July 14th and August 11th, 2006. Further information about the survey may be obtained by contacting the report's author, Katherine Bridges, at 207-899-2094. (36 pages)