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Nevada AARP Survey of Members: Concerns and Opinions

AARP Member Opinion Research

This mail survey of 971 Nevada AARP members explores their experiences and concerns about various consumer issues, and what they feel should be AARP's top legislative priorities in their state (availability, cost, and quality of health care for 77 percent of respondents and prescription drug affordability for 73 percent).

Of those surveyed…

  • 84 percent support a state prescription drug discount program for low-income persons, and 66 percent would support such a program even if it requires new state funding
  • 57 percent consider electric utility rates unreasonable with 41 percent saying the same about gas and 44 percent about phone rates
  • 86 percent support state energy assistance programs to help low-income residents pay their energy bills
  • 79 percent feel it would be a major inconvenience for them to no longer be able to drive their car
  • 64 percent are strongly opposed to cuts in state health and long-term care services and 51 percent to cutting primary education to help balance the state budget, but 34 percent support cuts to higher education funding

Reports of survey findings have been divided into five topical segments which have been published individually, and may be accessed by clicking on the appropriate subject listed below:

The survey was conducted from June through August 2004. Participants, proportionally stratified by three age segments (50 to 59, 60 to 74, and 75+), were randomly selected from AARP's membership database. The reports, prepared by Jennifer H. Sauer, Cassandra Burton and Brittne Nelson, all of AARP Knowledge Management, discuss overall findings plus statistically significant differences among the three age segments. Further information may be obtained by contacting Jennifer Sauer at 202-434-6207.